ProMat Explains Vehicles Available for Cart Delivery in the Fork Truck Free Environment

March 24, 2017 Fork Truck Free Info 3860 Views


In a few weeks at ProMat in Chicago the reasons for rapid Fork Truck Free (FTF) growth in North America will be carefully examined. Ed Brown, father of the North American Fork Truck Free movement, will explain what types of vehicles are available for Cart Delivery.

There are three primary options:

  1. Tugger (Man Operated Tow Vehicles):

A Tugger is a manned transport vehicle that can tug multiple carts/dollies. Also, referred to as a tow tractor.

  1. AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles):

An Automated Guided Vehicle is an unmanned transport vehicle that is completely self-guided. It is programmed to work automatically within a designated guided path. Paths are easily modified.

  1. VGV (Vision Guided Vehicles):

Vision Guided Vehicle is an unmanned transport vehicle that is completely self-guided. VGVs navigate without wires, lasers, magnets, or tape, and deliver unmatched flexibility. These vehicles are also usable in manual mode.

Topper Industrial is offering an educational seminar at ProMat 2017, the largest expo for the manufacturing and supply chain industries from April 3-6, 2016 in Chicago, IL. The seminar will be offered twice. The seminar, titled, “Why the Fork Truck Free Movement is the North American 2017 Material Handling Trend,” is April 3, 2017 from 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM in Theater D and April 5, 2017 from 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM in Theater E.

Attendees will learn about the material handling industry trend of fork truck free environments. Participants will be educated on lean manufacturing and fork truck free practices. Insight into the new way of manufacturing will include definitions, example and benefits. Participants will gain perspective into the popularity surrounding lean manufacturing and fork truck free. Topics will include, but are not limited to: cost reduction, increased efficiency, increased productivity, safety benefits, and legislative influences. Participants will be given the first steps needed to start a fork truck free journey. The process of plant analysis will be explained and concluded with the many options available when considering a fork free truck environment. Real-life case studies and statistics will be shared.

Attendees visiting Topper Industrial at booth #S3814 will learn about fork truck free material handling equipment and their new division Topper Tube. Topper Industrial added Gravity Flow Racks and Tubular Workstations to their line of material handling products. Topper Industrial makes gravity flow racks and work stations, industrial cart, containers, delivery systems, lift and rotate systems, conveyors, and racking. Topper Industrial is the only company nationwide to manufacture all products needed to move material from the dock to the cart; from the delivery system to the line.

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