How does Fork Truck Free Cart Delivery Promote Lean Manufacturing?
Place: Modex Show 2018, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA.
Sponsored by Topper Industrial
- Date Tuesday, April 10, 2018
- Time 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM
- Location Theater D
Presented By Ed Brown – CEO of Topper Industrial.
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The seminar will give a highlighted look into the material handling industry trend of fork truck free cart delivery and how it promotes lean manufacturing. Participants will be educated on what fork truck free cart delivery is and lean manufacturing practices. Insight will include definitions, explanations and examples of how the relationship works. Participants will gain perspective into how the benefits of using cart delivery promotes lean manufacturing.
• Participants will learn about cart delivery and fork truck free environments.
• Participants will be taught about lean manufacturing and its many benefits.
• Participants will gain insight into the ways that using cart delivery systems inherently contribute to lean ideals.
• Participants will learn the first steps needed to move towards cart delivery, fork truck free environments and lean manufacturing.
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