2 Position, Low Profile Mother Cart

December 11, 2020 Fork Truck Free Info , Product Highlights 2871 Views

Topper Industrial is a well known leading manufacturer of material handling carts located in North America. In this video, Topper highlights their new design that offers additional options for the Mother Daughter Cart material delivery system. Topper Industrial’s new patented, wheels on the ground Mother Daughter Cart system features a two position cart exchange. The cart design incorporates a low-profile steel structure with material load and unload from one side of the cart.

This low-profile Mother Cart is a four-wheel, quad steering cart. As already mentioned, this cart is an innovation of Topper’s already patented “Wheels on the Ground” design. Simply meaning that all wheels of the cart stay on the ground through transport, tracking and material exchange with the daughter carts. The Low Profile Mother Daughter Cart design can be set up for one, two or three position in material movement. Also, a vey neat and flexible design ability is that any type of cart can be utilized as a daughter cart and each daughter cart can be designed to fit within the Mother Cart frame. Topper Industrial’s low-profile Mother Daughter carts are a safe, efficient and versatile cart delivery system.

By choosing to incorporate cart delivery, users are able to create a better, more predictable workflow which improves production and combats unnecessary downtime. The Topper Mother Cart is covered under US Patent No. 10,093,334.

Topper Industrial is capable of creating custom, engineered to order Mother Daughter Carts for your unique needs. Contact us today with any questions. sales@topperindustrial.com.

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