North American Fork Truck Free Movement and Lean Ergonomics Six Sigma (LESS)

September 9, 2016 0 Comments Fork Truck Free Info 4474 Views

Peter G. Furst, CSP, ARM, REA, a registered architect suggested that applying Lean Six Sigma thinking to safety provides a framework for integrating safety into operations. Topper Industrial’s lean manager, Chris Mosby strongly agrees. Mosby has been a Lean/Six Sigma trainer for more than twenty years in multi-faceted, fast paced manufacturing environments. Mosby’s experience includes management assignments in quality, production, logistics, healthcare, and maintenance/engineering.

In Lean Six Sigma operations, safety is addressed in tactical as well as strategic planning. The organizational systems that drive efficiency and quality are applied to the safety process. Safety goals are aligned with business objectives, thereby creating a linkage between resource needs and allocation.

Lean Six Sigma addresses the needs of all the organizational stakeholders and creates a holistic and integrated approach to managing safety. The resulting process creates innovative solutions that exceed expectations.

Lean Ergonomics Six Sigma (LESS) methodology approach to human work capability factors in the workplace has been part of the LEAN quality evolution since its beginnings. Recently LESS has received more visibility from employers, insurers, and governmental organizations due to the high rate of work-related injuries and illnesses and the health care cost associated with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

“OSHA ( Occupational Safety and Health Administration) estimates that 1.505 million recordable MSDs are expected to occur annually among 1.542 million affected establishments.”

Ed Brown, founder of Topper Industrial holds several ergonomic product patents and advocates that ergonomic leaders aim to optimize well-being and total system performance of human beings in a working environment. Brown added that ergonomics applies in certain methods, data, principles, and theories with obvious benefits in repetitive production manufacturing.

Ergonomics involve the design, assessment and evaluation of activities, tasks, workloads or jobs, products, working environments, and work systems.

According to Mosby, Lean Six Sigma and ergonomics are interrelated. The two work disciplines and principles complement each other. Maximizing productivity in the workplace by reducing or eliminating unnecessary and unproductive work behaviors creates cost reduction results and saves at least 25% of production time.

Mosby accompanies Topper Industrial sales team members and performs their version of ad hoc kaizen events, which developed from basic TPS (Toyota Production System) principles. This will often include WCM (World Class Manufacturing) ergonomic standards and safety assessment solutions. The goal of fork truck free and lean assessments is to improve productivity, quality, safety, and worker comfort by making practical ergonomic improvements in the workplace.

While safety and health of employees is ultimately important, Mosby suggests that cost justifications (ROI) can support most improvements. Improved performance at work will result in increased worker satisfaction and higher profitability. Effective ergonomics programs lower OSHA lost time and restricted day injury rates; the Topper Industrial Lean team has these data stating a case for ergonomics.

Some of the initial kaizen walks to determine the efficacy of FTF include on-site ergonomic assessments, manufacturing line assessments, lean manufacturing ergonomics, industrial workplace assessments, tool design and selection, product design, and return to work assessments for injured workers.


Topper Industrial

Article submitted by Jillian Burrow, Marketing Manager for Topper Industrial

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