Transfer Cart on Display in New Product Highlight Photo Online

February 21, 2019 Product Highlights 4192 Views

Topper Industrial showcases ETO applications with new product photo of Transfer Cart. Ref CT325

See full gallery of Topper designed and built Transfer Cart product photos HERE.

Topper Industrial’s is able to create very innovative transfer carts for the materials delivery to the supply chain. This transfer cart has a number of custom components and design details. A transfer cart is an industrial delivery cart that is equipped with a conveyor roller top. The rollers aid in the transport of specific content in a conveyor like manner. This transfer carts has (3) lanes of conveyor top rollers. This gives operator the ability to transfer multiple sizes of containers line side. Most transfer carts are used in conjunction to a stationery conveyor system as a way of getting material to and from the conveyor.

This cart is very accessible and versatile in that placement of the goods can be dropped off and retrieved from either side of the cart. The rollers work in both directions. The operator is able to utilize both sides of the line for material placement and pick up for this fact. Likewise, the cart is designed with a walking plank. An operator can walk through the cart by way of the walking plank. There are diamond plated ramps on the walking plank and once the operator steps on the ramp, the gates go down.

This transfer cart is equipped with a removable UHMW hitch which enables for tight tolerances when towing. It also has a roller brake stop located on the hitch. When this is engaged it stops the rollers from moving.

Transfer Carts are often referred to as Industrial Carts with Roller Deck.

To learn more information on Topper Industrial Cart Delivery Solutions, email 

Topper Industrial will be at ProMat in Chicago Booth #S4812 from April 8 – 11, 2019. Register to attend HERE.

About Topper Industrial

For more than twenty years, Topper Industrial, ( has been a leading manufacturer of material handling carts and equipment solutions. Topper Industrial designs and builds industrial delivery carts, cart lifts, lifts & tilts, material handling racks, steel containers, casters, tube & joint and industrial cart parts & components. Topper Industrial specializes in services to Manufacturing, Fulfillment, Warehousing and the Distribution Sectors. Topper Industrial’s services include, but are not limited to: Design & customization, manufacturing & production, site analysis & planning and  implementation justification. Topper’s material handling solutions make delivering material line side more effective through more efficient practices.

Topper Industrial is a proud member of MHI. Follow on Twitter @TopperInd or on LinkedIn.

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